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A catalyst for change

Watch Eva Kremer, Chair of the Board of Directors

Watch Dirk Fransaer, CEO ad interim

Key figures 2023

people recruited
researchers or Innovation experts
PhD students hosted
filed patents
paid licences

Breakdown by type of partnerships in progress in 2023 by partner type

Breakdown of partnerships in progress in 2023 by sector

How we contribute to advance science and innovation

Tech Advantage

The importance and the know-how of recovering waste heat to produce energy

Energy prices have risen, so it's now more advantageous to go for this type a solution. We've seen a real difference in terms of interest since the start of the project - before the periods of tension on the markets when suddenly the scarcity of certain energy sources meant that the price of energy rose. So, we realised that in the end we needed to think seriously about these topics... heat recovery to produce energy made sense, especially when energy prices are tight.

Pascal Moisy
Head of Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility manager at ArcelorMittal, Luxembourg


How the Goodyear and LIST partnership is impacting the tire industry

We were never able to really recycle tires at the end of their life into raw materials that we could integrate in the tire and keep the same performance. So, it was always possible to recycle into tire products, but we lost performances that are important for our customers. And so, the focus will be clearly on creating materials that we can recycle into tire products and at the same time keep the performance of the tire.

Romain Hansen,
Vice president EMEA Product Development at Goodyear

Generative AI: Veni, vidi, vici?

LIST AI sandbox is a tool where you can test the mainstream large language models (like ChatGPT) against a number of benchmarks that are publicly available, that have been created by the open-source community. And they would assign a score to the model based on the answers that they give to a standard set of questions and based on the bias they can detect in these answers to see if a model is very biased or if it’s not biased at all.

Francesco Ferrero,
Director of the IT for Innovative Services Department

In the lab

'In the Lab' showcases researchers and engineers from the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology in their laboratories. Discover the research equipment and infrastructure that enable the development of competitive, market-oriented prototypes of products and services for public and private players.

A partner to businesses and public authorities

RDI projects and contracts in total
collaborative projects and similar
National competitive projects
European competitive projects

Diversity & Inclusion

We find unity in our collective diversity. Each scientist, engineer, innovator and staff member brings a unique set of talents, insights, and backgrounds to the table. At LIST, diversity is part of who we are. By honoring and amplifying each person's distinct voice, we unlock new avenues of thought, break down barriers, and pave the way for science and innovation to flourish.

In 2023, we participated in the Positive Actions programme of the Ministry of Equality between Women and Men (MEGA).

For the third consecutive year, LIST was an official sponsor of Pride Week, celebrating LGBTIQ+ in Luxembourg.

Finally, we continued our joint work with other Luxembourg research institutes, the FNR and the University of Luxembourg to improve the professional situation of female researchers in Luxembourg.

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LIST TechDay 2023

LIST.LU visitors

181 813


26 925


4 620


2 597



EVENTS Organised or co-organised by LIST

54 including

5 Scientific conferences

30 Professional conferences

16 Fairs